Abe Foxman, Former Director of @ADL, Speaks about Jan Karski #Holocaust Hero
The Sousa Mendes Foundation, Sunday, August 7, 2022 (Click to view full program) - Moderator: Dr. Mordecai Paldiel, Panelists: Dr. Michael Berenbaum, Abe Foxman, and Slawomir Grunberg. Co-Hosted by the Jan Karski Educational Foundation.
Abe Foxman, former director of the Anti-Defamation League (@ADL), speaks about Jan Karski during Sousa Mendes Foundation Sunday Program, August 7, 2022
In his concluding thoughts, Abe Foxman lauds Jan Karski for his efforts to save European Jewry during World War II.
Abe also recommends that every Holocaust Center in the world screen “Karski and the Lords of Humanity” the award-winning film by Sławomir Grünberg.
SMF Sunday Program - August 7, 2022 - 4 pm ET
Watch the film Karski and the Lords of Humanity by Slawomir Grunberg
Attend the program: Moderator Dr. Mordecai Paldiel, Panelists: Dr. Michael Berenbaum and Abraham H. Foxman
Program Co-Hosted by the Karski Educational Foundation
Why the Jews? The History of Antisemitism -
Why the Jews? The History of Antisemitism (Click to view)
Can understanding lead to change?
A United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Resource (13 minutes)
Photos of the Krakowiak Family in Portugal - June 1940 - January 1942
DEVER de MEMÓRIA-Projeto UNESCO AECS - Honoring Common Humanity
Congratulations to Dores Do Carmo and Josefa Reis for their ceaseless drive towards creating a better world.
Proud to be one cog in their wheel.
@olgas_table TOLI Summer Institute Motivates Students Toward Social Action #HolocaustEdu
Middle school, high school, and college educators learn to teach the Holocaust, genocide, and other social justice issues at a summer seminar in NYC - July 2022.
Applications are open CLICK HERE.
Course content includes
Testimony from Holocaust survivors
Workshops by scholars and artists
A day at the Museum of Jewish Heritage
A focus on experiential learning, interactive pedagogy, and writing
Outings to historic sites and cultural events
A focus on Jewish culture and klezmer music
The home of The Olga LengyeI Institute and site of the TOLI Summer Institute is at the Memorial Library building located on Manhattan's East side.