#HolocaustEdu - Attn: @ALALibrary - Americans and the Holocaust: A Traveling Exhibition for Libraries ...

examines the motives, pressures and fears that shaped Americans’ responses to Nazism, war and genocide in Europe during the 1930s and 1940s.

Dr. Michael Berenbaum, Co-founding Curator of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: My Sister’s Eyes is a charming work written with precision and passion. Follow the Krakowiak family from their prosperous life in Poland through the Nazi onslaught - their rescue by the Portuguese Consul Aristides de Sousa Mendes - and their tragic loss…"

Librarians: Please consider adding My Sister’s Eyes, the story of Yvonne Krakowiak, one innocent casualty of those American fears to your library collection.

Available through: @FolletLearning, Kobo and Amazon Kindle

Yvonne Memorial photo

Yvonne’s Memorial photo (b. June 1, 1938, Lodz, Poland - d. June 4, 1942, Gibraltar Camp, Kingston, Jamaica, BWI)

“A thoroughly researched and intensely moving remembrance.” Kirkus Reviews: My Sister’s Eyes: A Family Chronicle of Rescue and Loss During World War II